Black and grey ink drawing of a Japanese man playing kodo, a really big drum, with two thick round sticks. He looks very happy.

Drawvember 2020 days 11-15

This year for Drawvember, I compiled my own list of prompts, to ensure that I wasn’t going to use “not inspired” as an excuse for skipping days. Drawing actually brings me joy and satisfaction, and as it’s in rather short supply at this time of year for me, I have much at stake.

I picked words that appealed to me, rather randomly, without any clear idea how I was going to develop each prompt. So far, I’m having fun.

Day 11: “Buccaneer”

Pencil drawing of a fierce-looking woman pirate aiming a pistol and carrying a sword in the other hand.

Pencil work for this fierce lady pirate aiming a pistol and holding a sword.

Day 12: “Altitude”

Black and grey ink drawing of the Brooklyn Bridge under construction with silhouettes of men walking on top of a high cable. The city is suggested in the background as grey shapes of buildings.

According to my research, these men were interviewing to work as painters on the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, and their test was being able to walk on the top cable.

I used a black ink fine liner and light grey ink Brush Writer by Kuretake. I didn’t use a ruler.

Day 13: “Shipwreck”

Black ink drawing of a tentacle emerging from water, at the end of which is the remnant of a pirate ship flag and broken pole.

This theme was much harder than I anticipated. I didn’t know what I wanted to draw and had very little inspiration. Eventually I settled for something graphic and evocative of a shipwreck: a Kraken tentacle holding the mast and pirate flag of a ship.

I used black ink.

Day 14: “Zebra”

Dark black shiny rectangle with fuzzy border on which I drew a zebra in white ink

I painted the background using acrylic graphite ink and then used a fine brush and white calligraphy ink to paint the white parts of the zebra.

Day 15: “Drums”

Black and grey ink drawing of a Japanese man playing kodo, a really big drum, with two thick round sticks. He looks very happy.

Former colleague Mauro once made me listen and watch something called Kodo, the Japanese drums. I loved it.

I used a black ink fine liner, black ink Brushpen by Pentel and Light Grey Brush Writer by Kuretake.

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