Goodbye Jack

It’s been 13 days since I last saw her. Our semi-feral cat, with us five years, was estimated to be 17 or 18 years old. A respectable age to bow out. Since February 2019 when I brought her home, there was not a single day without her showing up several times a day to be fed primarily and to be petted. I went to all of her hiding spots but haven’t found her. My neighbour said some cats disappear when their time has come to die. It’s hard not to know but it is a lot harder to find one’s lifeless cat.

Here is the story of how she came into our life, along with selected pictures I took since then. She was a beauty. Not very friendly, but not obnoxious. Her meows were horrible and I called her “gracious” as a joke, but when you got her to purr, everything was forgotten and forgiven.

There she was on a fine chilly early February day in 2019. I had met her the previous week at the house of my ex’s grandfather who had passed away at a very old age and whose house was being cleared out.

He had not really adopted that cat. Rather, the cat had elected at some point to hang out around his house and chosen to be taken care of there. They thought the cat to be male and had named him Minou. But with this amount of colours in the fur, it was a female cat.

I called her Jack due to the black patch around her eye, her left front elbow once broken that had solidified into a perpetual hook and made her limp, and her calico fur, which reminded me of the pirate name Calico Jack.

I found her rather friendly for a cat that lived in the wild. In the wild but-close-to-humans! I don’t know much about her life. I know how she was injured though. A drunkard then related to the family by marriage once shot lead bullets at the cat and hit her at the elbow. Yeah, appalling. I suppose she escaped to the nearby woods for a while to heal.

I drove her home. Probably the second worst time of her life after being shot at! The 25-minute drive on the highway made her miserable and made me feel horribly helpless. She probably had never been on the road in a car before. She cried all the time and in the last 5 minutes of the trip she had an unfortunate diarrhea incident, true to the idiom “scared shitless”.

Jack spent the next several days hiding in the toilets. behind or next to the porcelain seat. Very occasionally she would accept to be coaxed (with food, mostly) outside but only in the corridor adjacent to the loo and only by me and only if I was crouched or kneeling. Please enjoy these few seconds of petting as I and her did then. The taming lasted days and weeks. My dad or my then 11 year old boy approaching would send her into hiding.

By the end of her first week with us she relocated from the toilet room to the adjacent kitchen. She occupied the visible space between the rubbish bin and the cabinets, which was like her at a balcony. Or the nook behind connected to the cabinet at the left, where she hid most of the time for another week. She was extremely quiet then. She had not graced us of her horrible wailing and anguished or demanding meows yet.

By the end of the second week, she moved from the nook to the kitchen stools. Lunch and dinner were her favourite times of the day. She was so food-driven that feeding her was the only way for us to connect with her. And she would eat anything apparently. Even cake, even potatoes, even pasta. We had to be careful that she would not try to eat our fingers, thinking the pink round appendages were part of the offerings!

At this point she started to show a wee bit less fear of the other humans in the house. And since she had not visited the house beyond the entrance hallway and the kitchen, she had yet to meet the dog! And the other cat knew better than to get close to the strange pheromones that Jack probably emitted.

By the third week she ventured out of the kitchen, into the living room. I used to work from the living room then. I would either sit on the armchair at the corner of the room, or the couch. She liked the latter best because she could then sit next to me on the other side of the couch. And I would pet her every now and then.

Fast forward to the end of the third week. Jack knew there were other animals. I’ve got to say that neither Gizmo the yellow Labrador nor Jedi the female rescue tabby cat were bullies to Jack. They looked at her with curiosity and from a distance.

At the beginning of the fourth week at home, it was time for Jack to be let out to explore the garden and the surroundings of the house: the meadow, the woods, the neighbours’ gardens. It’s always a milestone when adopting a cat: either the cat comes back or doesn’t and then it’s the end. She came back. Yay!

A month and a half after we adopted her, Jack was comfortable to be on my son’s lap and Adrien, who was then 11 years old was delighted that she liked him enough to bestow her entire slim lightweight self on his warm gamer lap.

November 2019. A well-brushed pretty trophy cat poses on my bed while looking at me. I remember that she would stay in the house the first half of the nights and would below to be let out between 2am and 4am. Every night. My dad‘s room became her night spot. He did not mind getting up to let her out. Good man. After a couple years, though she hardly ever stepped into the house. Probably after we adopted a male adult Siberian Cat, Mickey-Raccoon.

September 2020. Another perfect cat pose. She always stayed nearby, as far as I know (and I work from home, so I’m around to notice). Either in or out the garden at various spots. Starting in 2022, she was regularly found in my neighbour’s garden, in particular around the times of her meals on her terrace 🙂

Late May 2022. Occupying the step leading to the end of the garden in the front of the house, enjoying the heat of the spring sun, looking cute.

Late August 2024. One of the last pictures I took of her, because she was with our other animals, looking like she was the tired leader of a lazy posse! She was the feared old animal clan matriarch, which that photo hints at. Farewell, Gracious. You had a good life and you made your mark in ours.

Piwigo flop

I was super happy to find Piwigo among the available applications to install on my self hosted site managed at Infomaniak. Having already set up my blog through the same process and migrated everything from, I was finally going to have text and pictures in one place!

But that proved to be too complex for me or not designed well enough or perhaps bugged to the core. Sigh.

I found a workflow that although wonky did more or less work. I activated a plugin to place pictures on a map based on gps metadata. Except that Piwigo ignores or can’t read them and having to drop each picture on a map is tedious at best, or inaccurate. Grrr.

I lack the expertise to follow my geek friends’s ways and even those who documented thoroughly how they did their setup proved too complicated for me.

For a while I thought of hiring a freelance web developer to set me up but I don’t think I would understand or like the workflow. I may still ask one day!

Mostly I feel bad twice. Once because the state of the web leaves a lot to be desired, and then because it makes me realize I am dumb and I don’t like that feeling of course 🤷🏻

Flickr is really neat. I’m keeping my subscription and never mind for now that my pictures can’t be at the domain.

My mum and me, it’s complicated

My brother and I turned 48 ten days ago. Our mother called him and left a happy birthday message on his voicemail. She didn’t call me.

I didn’t expect her to, actually. Our relationship is complicated and has been forever (i.e., as long as I can remember.)

She can be really nice, but not for very long. Not just to me, but it seems like I coax it out of her, somehow. Never deliberately though. I just don’t think we are suited for one another.

So most of the time she’s been absent from my life, and some of the time she’s been very nice to me. I remember a lot more of the former, sadly.

Sadly? Not, really. It’s too bad, for sure, but I have been accustomed to this for decades so it’s just part of the ebb and flow of our relationship.

In the last ten days, two emotions filled me:

  1. I was vexed for a couple of days. Nothing new. Each time she plays favourite feels like a slap to my face and it hurts for a bit.
  2. I now feel liberated and much much lighter.

How did I go from one emotion to the other? I simply chose to stop caring about this: I chose to give her up.

I am aware that in doing so I renounce any hope for a healthy mother-daughter dynamic, and that I will regret it when it’s too late. But on the other hand, I did try very hard for so long and, it was probably never going to happen. So I closed that book and shelved it. I am no longer in the expectation. I am lighter, free-er, and less sad.

Gandi : une cliente insatisfaite de plus

[Version anglaise]

Je loue le nom de domaine depuis 22 ans et c’est via Gandi. L’e-mail est compris dans le service.

Domain Name: KOALIE.NET
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Creation Date: 2001-02-08T20:37:46Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2027-02-08T20:37:46Z

(copié depuis ‘whois’ dans un terminal)

En juin 2023, Gandi a annoncé deux choses :

  1. Le service mail gratuit devient un service payant après le 30 novembre 2023 (FAQ) au prix de 4.79€ TTC / mois / boite mail
  2. Augmentations générale des prix de leurs produits à compter du 13 juillet 2023.

En janvier 2022 j’ai renouvelé pour 5 ans, donc je suis tranquille jusqu’en février 2027 en ce qui concerne la hausse des prix, mais l’e-mail devient un service payant que j’ai payé ou non la location du nom de domain auquel il est rattaché.

38 mois à 4.79€ TTC par mois pour GandiBox fait un total de 182€.

J’ai essayé, en vain, de plaider que la moindre chose qu’ils puissent faire pour récompenser les clients ayant payé pour plusieurs années, est de leur accorder une période de grâce équivalente avant qu’ils doivent passer au service payant “GandiBox”. Nan.

J’ai aussi, en vain, plaidé qu’ils sont en violation de l’article 27.2 de leurs conditions générales de prestations de services :

  1. selon les definitions en page 1, par “services” s’entendent “tous les services proposés par Gandi sur son Site web et pouvant être souscrits via Votre Compte Utilisateur” : GandiMail fait partie de ce que j’ai souscrit via mon Compte Utilisateur, et que je vois dans mon tableau de bord, en sélectionnant le domaine, à l’onglet « Boites & redirections Mail ». C’est un service inclus qui m’a rendu Gandi attrayant lorsque j’ai choisi de continuer, lors de mon renouvellement en janvier 2022.
  2. selon l’article 5.1, “Le paiement des Services commandés est effectué conformément aux tarifs et selon les modalités applicables aux Services choisis en vigueur lors de Votre commande, pour la durée que Vous avez choisie, le cas échéant” : j’ai payé en janvier 2022 pour des Services sur une durée allant jusqu’en février 2027.
  3. en outre, l’article 23 dit que “Nos Contrats, y compris les tarifs de Nos prestations, sont sujets à modifications […]” et “Les nouvelles versions de Nos Contrats seront soumises à Votre acceptation via Votre Compte Utilisateur lors de tout renouvellement du Service concerné, ou lors de la souscription d’un nouveau Service”: dans mon cas le renouvellement du Service concerné ne tombera pas avant le 9 février 2027.
  4. finalement, l’article 11 permet à Gandi de “retirer de son offre un Service […]” et “Il est de Votre ressort de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour remplacer le Service par un autre, ou de ne plus Vous servir dudit Service avant la date de retrait. Dans les deux cas, Gandi proposera soit un Service comparable que Vous pourrez utiliser jusqu’à l’échéance de Votre abonnement, soit Vous offrira un avoir au prorata du temps restant, soit Vous remboursera au prorata du temps restant. Le choix du type d’offre appartient à Gandi, à sa seule et entière discrétion“: j’ai donc sollicité de Gandi qu’ils mettent GandiMail à disposition gratuite jusqu’à mon prochain renouvellement, et idéalement à tous ceux qui comme moi ont souscrit et payé pour une durée de leur choix.

Nan. Leur réponse à mis plusieurs semaine à arriver et commençait par une notice que leur procédure a été validée par notre service juridique / légal. Elle n’a pas répondu aux arguments ci-dessus. Mais elle donnait utilement un lien vers la documentation pour utiliser le service de redirections mail qui lui reste gratuit.