I was super happy to find Piwigo among the available applications to install on my self hosted site managed at Infomaniak. Having already set up my blog through the same process and migrated everything from wordpress.com, I was finally going to have text and pictures in one place!
But that proved to be too complex for me or not designed well enough or perhaps bugged to the core. Sigh.
I found a workflow that although wonky did more or less work. I activated a plugin to place pictures on a map based on gps metadata. Except that Piwigo ignores or can’t read them and having to drop each picture on a map is tedious at best, or inaccurate. Grrr.

I lack the expertise to follow my geek friends’s ways and even those who documented thoroughly how they did their setup proved too complicated for me.
For a while I thought of hiring a freelance web developer to set me up but I don’t think I would understand or like the workflow. I may still ask one day!
Mostly I feel bad twice. Once because the state of the web leaves a lot to be desired, and then because it makes me realize I am dumb and I don’t like that feeling of course 🤷🏻
Flickr is really neat. I’m keeping my subscription and never mind for now that my pictures can’t be at the koalie.net domain.