In May 2004, I think, I stopped opening my personal mail. It piled. I sorted it by sender or categories. I trashed what was junk every now and then. At the end of the year I moved. I brought my piles of mail with me. I got more mail and I stored it. Later I moved. I brought my piles with me. I sorted again. Every now and then I needed something that had been sent to me. I spent a fair share looking in boxes and piles, or suitcases for that very pile of mail I thought I’d find what I was looking for. I lost documents, naturally.
Since I stopped opening my mail, I have moved 6 or 7 times. My piles always followed me. Piles in a box, more piles bundled in files, others in plastic bags, and of course some piles are in plastic bags that are bundled in files that are in boxes. If only I remembered where these were…
One of these days I will do like I said: find them, open them, sort them, be a good girl. Then, I’ll have to open them as they come.
My company is fortunate I’m a good girl when I treat business mail.