Crêpes: la technique de roulage évolue

Grande amatrice de crêpes, il m’a tenu à cœur de faire évoluer la technique. [« faire évoluer la technique » est une expression tirée de la fabuleuse série télévisée Kaamelott, où Perceval et Karadoc ont à coeur de faire évoluer les techniques.]

  • Etalez votre mélange favori sur votre crêpe. Moi, typiquement, je tartine une couche de nutella et je saupoudre une petite quantité de sucre en poudre (pour le croustillant).
  • Rabattez un pan de crêpe au tiers. Rabattez l’autre pan au tiers, de manière à obtenir une bande de la hauteur de la crêpe et d’un tiers de sa taille en largeur.
  • Roulez votre crêpe dans le sens de la hauteur.
  • Croquez comme un nem.
Roulage de crêpes 
1) garniture en colonne 
2) replier deux pans de crêpes sur le haut et le bas de la colonne de garniture 
3) rouler de façon à recouvrir les pans, dans le sens de la colonne de garniture


Il n’y a *que* des avantages:

  1. Meilleure prise en main. Une seule main suffit à la manipuler.
  2. Pas de fuite. Votre mélange est sécurisé dans votre crêpe bien hermétique.
  3. La coupe transversale est fort jolie à regarder. (Il y en a pour qui ça compte).
  4. Gain de temps. Temps de roulage légèrement supérieur au roulage ou pliage classique. Par contre, en temps de consommation, vous serez incontestablement plus rapide. Ce qui vous permet au final de baffrer une plus grande quantité de crêpes.

Voilà, vous m’en direz des nouvelles.
Mise à jour 2015 : My friend Daniel translated this post into English

Mise à jour 2017: La recette des crêpes minutes !

Crêpes minute (12 à 15 crêpes)

  • farine: 250 g
  • œufs: 3
  • lait: 800 ml
  • sel: 1 pincée

Tu mélanges d’abord bien le lait et les œufs, puis tu incorpores en mélangent au fouet la farine et le sel, petit à petit, pour que ça épaississe sans grumeau.

Speed(ing ticket)!

I drive fast, probably in response to my dad’s unbearably slow driving habit. Or simply perhaps because I like it. I feel I have to say I’m prudent and I’ve never been in an accident. I’ve been driving for 13 years.

Last week there was a Gendarmerie unmarked car parked on the side of the road, with a small radar attached at the back of it, to measure I was above the speed limit. The flash shone just as I was realizing what the suspicious protuberance at the back of the car might me. I had no idea how fast I was driving, and there was no other car in front or behind to give me some perspective on speed. I felt I was driving at a reasonable speed 🙂

A week later I received by post the “avis de contravention au code de la route”. 97 km/h (60 mph). That is 7 km/h (4 mph) above the limit. The fine is EUR 68 but only EUR 45 if I pay within 2 weeks. If I don’t pay within 45 days, then it’s EUR 180.

So I’ve been thinking about speed, speed limit, common good sense and that kind of things.

My denial of responsibility didn’t last long, but my first reaction was to find somebody to blame for the flash. And that was the person I had been stuck behind for too long, right before I was able to pass them and speed up a bit. This guy was driving well below the speed limit. I’ve always been pretty annoyed with people driving below the speed limit, now they *upset* me.

I thought also that I was disappointed (ashamed, even) to enter the public record for such an unremarkable performance! It’s possible that my speedometer indicated I was driving as fast as 110 km/h. But still. I was reminded of the French comics “Joe Barr Team”. One of the bikers brings his ticket to the police, visibly unhappy, telling them their friggin’ radar is borken. He was driving way faster in that curve 🙂 No, really, it’s disappointing. Especially considering I could have driven up to 20 km/h above the limit for the same fine!

What kind of yardworker are you?

Sometimes yardworking is no bed of Roses. And sometimes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. What kind of yarkworker are you? The kind to

Beat around the bush?
Shake like a leaf?
Hold out an olive branch?
Nip in the bud?
Go the whole nine yards?
Dig the dirt?
Not let the grass grow under your feet?
Be out of your tree?
Not see the wood for the trees?

And when you’re done, do you come out smelling of roses?