Matin d’automne, le chaud et le froid

La cime des arbres, encore habillés de feuilles orange, semble s’embraser sous les rayons puissants du clair soleil de ce matin d’automne. Un beau contraste que cet orange cuivré sur le fond bleu du ciel. Alors que le jardin, dans l’ombre, est encore blanc et mat et que l’herbe est transie dans la rosée gelée. Quelques feuilles orange tombent, virevoltent dans l’air figé. Leur chute une tâche de lumière dansante et puis elles disparaissent tout à fait et se posent à l’ombre froide.

Things for which I am grateful

Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!
Happy regular day to the rest!

My laptop acted up last night and today and what a prank it was for it to assess the disk corrupt, claim it can’t be fixed, and declare that reformatting and restoring from backup were in order. Turned out the disk got repaired and I tweeted I’m grateful for it:

This is the short-term gratefulness and there are other things I am deeply grateful for: I am healthy and literate in a country where life is good, I have a family of good people, I have a son whom I love from the bottom of my unfathomable heart, I live with his sweet father, I have a job I live for and colleagues who are kind, talented, dedicated, funny that I admire them. This is a fraction of the things I am grateful for. Today I thought about them, and I’m thankful.