I used quinacridone rose to paint the blossoms and the woman's lips, and used what I had left from my sepia wash for the kimono, and the background. The rest of the kimono was painted with lamp black watercolor

Horse and young woman in kimono under Sakura

I found horse and young woman in kimono under Sakura, another beautiful work by Taiwanese artist Jung Shan:
Reference photo showing the artwork hung on a wall and a label underneath with the artist's name and a QR code
Although I have some rice paper, I am far from comfortable with it, and the ratio and size wasn’t what I wanted, so I sketched on my 30×30 cm watercolor pad:
Light pencil sketch on a large square watercolour pad
I used a Pentel black ink brushpen for the outline and strong parts, and was happy with how her faced turned out, compared to the pencil sketch:
Inking in black of the horse, woman and kimono
I used sepia watercolor and a fine brush for the tree branch and blossoms:
Branches and blossoms painted in sepia
With more sepia, some lamp black watercolor, and a regular brush, I painted the horse and the woman’s skin:
Horse and woman's face painted with a mix of sepia and black
And finally, I used quinacridone rose to paint the blossoms and the woman’s lips, and used what I had left from my sepia wash for the kimono, and the background. The rest of the kimono was painted with lamp black watercolor:

Here is the final version (23×30 cm), framed:
Final artwork in a white frame

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