International Women’s Day (March 8) is observed world-wide as a day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women (or, as commemoration of the struggle for women’s rights.)
2017 marks the 109th observance of the day.
2017 marks my 1st observance of the day.
How will people observe the day?
I have heard that some have decided to participate by taking personal time to not come into work (volunteering instead for any cause related to social, economic, cultural and political change for women); other people may wear red and/or support women in other ways; and others have suggested that men handed over public speaking to women (cf. Kozlika’s 8 mars, la parole aux femmes.)
How will I observe the day?
I found via my friend and colleague Amy that on Wednesday 8 March, a follow up is planned to the January’s Women’s March: A Day without a Woman.
“A Day without a Woman” gave me pause. It resonated with me.
Considering that I have a lot on my plate at work, I thought of a day mostly without me [at work] that I will implement in the following fashion: I’ll do my work in stealth mode, so I’ll set myself away in IRC, will write or reply to e-mail only if necessary, will not attend WebEx meetings.
I hope to feel inspired in the meantime to produce or create non-work to #BeBoldForChange.
You can help perhaps? If you have a hunch what I might be good at, please, drop a suggestion in the comments.