I’m doing Inktober again in my small sketchbook Canson art book universal (14×21 cm / 4×6 in), in which I used half pages every day.
Day 6: “Husky”

Black ink line maker, red ballpoint pen, grey ink brush pen.
Day 7: “Enchanted”

Indigo ink Cambio brushpen, from the October Sketchbox, mixed with water to create perspective, black Pentel Brushpen.
Day 8: “Frail”

On Ada Lovelace day, I chose to draw “Rosie the riveter”, an iconic representation of how crucial women are. Black ink brush pen, indigo ink Cambio brush pen.
Day 9: “Swing”

Silhouettes of a woman and man dancing, done on tracing paper with my black ink Pentel Brushpen.
Day 10: “Pattern”

Probably my least interest work ever. But two things, first I was uninspired by the prompt, and second the October Sketchbox contained a rounded-tip grey pen that makes dots of various sizes according to the amount of pressure on the nib. Et voilà, I had my pattern in mere minutes!