Inktober 2019 Days 11-15

Day 11: “Snow”

Black ink drawing of a winter scene: grass, fence, house, trees.

I experimented for the first time with negative space. I liked it! I used a black 0.05 mm Uni Pin pen.

Day 12: “Dragon”

Lots of ink in black and grey around a traditional looking Chinese dragon

What can I say? I love to draw dragons! Other than the grey ink that bled into the paper without blending with the previous layer, and the strange green hue where the grey ink of my Kuretake brush pen and the black ink of my Pentel Brushpen met, I really like how it turned out.

Day 13: “Ash’

Black and grey drawing of bodies and rubble. A man at the back props himself up on his arms.

I really enjoyed doing this one! I chose to depict a scene from Pompei in AD 79 after volcano ash trapped the bodies of people trying to escape their horrific death. I used a grey ink brush pen and a water brush in places to get blended lighter tones, then outlined using a black 0.05 mm Uni Pin pen.

Day 14: “Overgrown

Black and red ballpoint pen drawing of overgrown vegetation covering abandoned vehicles and the San Francisco golden gate bridge.

Black 0.05 mm Uni Pin pen and Slim frixion pen in red for this messy attempt at rendering how the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco would look like a bit after the apocalypse.

Day 15: “Legend

Black and grey ink drawing of hands on the handle of a Japanese sword. I wrote a quote by Miyamoto Musashi from the Earth book in 1644: 'The way of the warrior is the brave acceptance of death.' The open artbook is resting on top of the book on Miyamoto Mushashi: the book of the five rings.

“The way of the warrior is the brave acceptance of death.” — Miyamoto Musashi, The Earth Book, 1644. I draw the detail of a samurai, showing two swords. Musashi was famous for the way of the two swords. I used a grey ink brush pen from Kuretake, a black ink Pentel Brushpen.

Inktober 2019 Days 6-10

I’m doing Inktober again in my small sketchbook Canson art book universal (14×21 cm / 4×6 in), in which I used half pages every day.

Day 6: “Husky”

Black and grey ink drawing of a smiling husky dog. The tongue is red and there is a grey circle around him.

Black ink line maker, red ballpoint pen, grey ink brush pen.

Day 7: “Enchanted

Drawing of a white stag in a forest. The animal is surrounded by trees of various shades of black to indigo to pale blue and the background is light pink.

Indigo ink Cambio brushpen, from the October Sketchbox, mixed with water to create perspective, black Pentel Brushpen.

Day 8: “Frail”

Black outline of Rosie the riverter, arm raised and rolling up her sleeve. The background if done with filler motifs in indigo.

On Ada Lovelace day, I chose to draw “Rosie the riveter”, an iconic representation of how crucial women are. Black ink brush pen, indigo ink Cambio brush pen.

Day 9: “Swing”

Silhouettes of a smiling man and woman dancing drawn on tracing paper glued to my artbook. The ink stamp and theme are visible underneath.

Silhouettes of a woman and man dancing, done on tracing paper with my black ink Pentel Brushpen.

Day 10: “Pattern

Rows of grey dots of various sizes applied more or less regularly as to create depth

Probably my least interest work ever. But two things, first I was uninspired by the prompt, and second the October Sketchbox contained a rounded-tip grey pen that makes dots of various sizes according to the amount of pressure on the nib. Et voilà, I had my pattern in mere minutes!

Inktober 2019 Days 1-5

I’m doing Inktober again in my small sketchbook Canson art book universal (14×21 cm / 4×6 in), in which I used half pages every day (except the first day).

Day 1: “Ring”

Grey and white ink drawing of the silhouette of a boxer in a ring. The open artbook is on a wooden table next to a red 'frixion' red ballpoint pen, a white ink brushphen, a bottle of black ink and two brushes resting on black water in a plastic cup.

Black ink applied with brushes and more or less water, white ink.

Day 2: “Mindless”

Black ink drawing with thin parallel lines representing the Great Wave Off Kanagawa by Hokusai

I don’t do too well with abstract concepts. And it had been a while since I had riffed the Hokusai” great wave off Kanagawa.

Day 3: “Bait”

Black and grey ink drawing of the earth as bait attached to a fishing bob floating in the water.

Planet Earth used a fishing bait. I used a grey ink brush pen from Kuretake. Apparently it liked the paper of my art book very much. So much that it seeped through!

Day 4: “Freeze”

The character Freeze wearing goggles and a glass helmet around his head is throwing a ball. The ball and his hand are bigger because of perspective. I used purple ink for the outline and the background, which I applied with a flat brush in a way that the texture of the brush is visible. I applied some white ink to correct mistakes. The ink bottle, brush and white ink brushpen are on the wooden table next to the open artbook.

There’s a Comics character called Freeze. Done with the purple ink and brush I received in a recent sketchbox.

Day 5: “Build”

Black and grey drawing of geometric shapes and volumes forming some building.

Abstract prompt again, but an opportunity to stray not too far from the concept and try some architecture. I used the light grey ink BrushWriter from Kuretake for the lighter tones, and a felt tip marker for the darker areas.


My third go at Inktober! I continued to draw in my small sketchbook Canson art book universal (14×21 cm / 4×6 in). I didn’t have a lot of time for it but I drew every day. Some of the drawings I like very much, the others, not so much!

Inktober 2018 prompt list
Inktober 2018 prompt list