[Inktober: 31 Days 31 Drawings, with a theme list, in case one needs inspiration.]
Day 11: transport. Because love transports and moves people. Because I am in love.
Black ink and red felt pen showing a branch with leaves and heart-shaped red leaves. Two red birds on a branch facing each other, their wings shaped as a heart.

Day 12: worried. I *was* worried that day! Took me forever to get started and draw. That was appropriate.
Black ink and watercolour showing an reproduction of Munch’s The Scream.
Day 13: scared. Black ink drawing of a scared eye.
Day 14: tree. This is inspired by a print by Hiroshige.
Black ink drawing of a big tree by a lake, three tiny peopke underneath and three cranes taking off above the water.
Day 15: relax. My boy a couple weeks ago (except it doesn’t look like him.)
Black ink drawing of a boy reading a comics book on a rocking chair.