I have had an on-line blog since June 2006 (or, as I noticed recently, since precisely 6/6/6). I chose to have it hosted on My.opera.com for convenience. The style was rudimentary but I found it pleasant enough. I’ve found it functional, at the very least. Here is a screen shot of that blog home page:

And I move its content to wordpress.com on Sunday. Here is a screen shot of the blog home page after import and some tweaking:

On My Opera, the blog received 35872 visits. Some posts got comments, I can’t easily find out how many. All these were not imported, unfortunately. I will miss them from my records. So, I will remember that some people frequently left a note, or the occasional visitor did.
I am using the WordPress Bueno theme which I’m very fond of.
Update 2014-01-31: A belated update to add to the record the announcement Opera made 8 months afterwards, that they were shutting down myopera.com.
Longue vie à ton blog qui, tel un phœnix, renaît