[Inktober: 31 Days 31 Drawings, following a prompt list]
Day 6: ‘sword’. Ink drawing of a swordsman. Black ink Uni-ball pin pen (0.05 mm).
Day 7: ‘shy’. Ink drawing of a shy girl hiding half her face behind a shoulder. Black ink Uni-ball pin pen (0.05 mm).
Day 8: ‘crooked’. Ink drawing of the MIT Stata Center, by Frank Gehry. A crooked building. Black ink Uni-ball pin pen (0.05 mm), and grey soft brush Pitt Artist Pen.
Day 9: ‘screech (owl)’. Ink drawing of a screeching barn owl. Black ink Uni-ball pin pen (0.05 mm).
Day 10: ‘gigantic’. Ink drawing of a couple taking a selfie in front of Dancing Nana, by Niki de Saint Phalle, an exhibit on the bank of La Seine since 1995. Black ink Uni-ball pin pen (0.05 mm), and Pentel brush pen.
Inktober’s prompt list: