
The o-ring of my Bialetti moka express maker changed shaped last night. It’s no longer usable. For a few month it had been “moribund” but usable. And I *used* it. Average of 3 pots per day.

I have had this Bialetti coffee maker for 2 years, now. I got is second (at least) hand, in New-Zealand, early in the trip.

I am attached to this coffee maker, for a number of reasons. So I will resume looking for a spankin’ new o-ring. Last time I tried, a few months ago, I wasn’t so successful. I almost purchased a whole set in the shop of a purveyor of Italian goods and delicacies in Roslindale. They didn’t have the 4-cup model. Otherwhise I’d have got it just for the ring.

Update:I found o-rings in France, I brought them with me, and I’m happy to report they fit perfectly. I think it’s neat.

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