Art: inktober2019

I had a blast this month! I am pleased with almost all of the pieces I drew. I really like ink, turns out. Here’s a gallery of all of the drawings and the prompt list is at the bottom.

Inktober 2019 prompt list
Inktober 2019 prompt list

Inktober 2019 Days 26-31

I’m doing Inktober again in my small sketchbook Canson art book universal (14×21 cm / 4×6 in), in which I used half pages every day.

Day 26: “Dark

Highly contrasted black and grey drawing of a man walking at the end of a wooden plank pier toward a flock of birds in a lighter spot in the otherwise dark sky.

Dark is back! In this piece a man wanders at the end of a wooden pier, toward a source of light among the darkness and the fog, where a flock of birds seem to gravitate. I used and blended my grey ink brush pen from Kuretake and black ink Pentel Brushpen, and black 0.05 mm Uni Pin pen.

Day 27: “Coat”

Black and grey ink drawing of a Caucasian-Japanese mixed-race woman wearing a flowery coat over her kimono. Her hair is done in the traditional Japanese fashion. There is a grey background.

Japanese inspired piece, it had been a while (no) I draw a woman wearing a coat adorned with flowers, her hair made traditionally like geishas. I used a grey ink brush pen from Kuretake for the background and shading, and a 0.05 mm black Uni Pin pen.

Day 28: “Ride”

Black, grey and blue drawing of a young girl mounted on a buffalo. She wears a flower over her ear and a summer dress. She's barefoot.

Going not too far from Japan, this is a Vietnamese scene: a dreamy-looking young woman is riding a buffalo. I used the grey ink brush pen from Kuretake, green ink brush pen by Sketchbox and indigo ink Cambio brush pen by Kuretake. The outline was done with a 0.05 mm black Uni Pin pen. I really like how it came out.

Day 29: “Injured”

Black and grey ink drawing of two sword warriors fighting each other. One's sword is through the other warrior's body.

And we’re back in medieval Japan with two sword fighters in action, one transpercing the other. I started with my black Pentel Brushpen for broad strokes to give movement, and then for finer detail, and added grey ink using a brush pen from Kuretake. It took me merely a few minutes.

Day 30: “Catch”

Highly contrasted black and grey drawing of a young boy jumping with legs wide apart. He wears a baseball mitt over his right hand and a cap over his head.

Other than the kid’s face, I am very happy with this piece. Little boy jumping, mitt in hand, and legs spread wide apart. I used a grey ink brush pen from Kuretake and black ink Pentel Brushpen. The outline was done using a 0.05 mm black Uni Pin pen.

Day 31: “Ripe”

Simple grey ink drawing of two peaches. One is cut in half and the other half is cut in half.

After “Tasty”, the second abstract prompt of the month is “Ripe”. Someone over at Inktober 2019 headquarters really was hungry! I drew peaches. The minimal drawing focused (badly) on shading using dots and some hatching. I used a black 0.05 mm Uni Pin pen.