Inktober 2019 Days 16-20

I’m doing Inktober again in my small sketchbook Canson art book universal (14×21 cm / 4×6 in), in which I used half pages every day.

Day 16: “Wild”

Baby panda bending forward to grab a bamboo stick, next to a few upright bamboo sticks. The pens I used are visible next to the open artbook.

It was high time I drew a baby panda! I used a green ink brush pen from Sketchbox, grey ink brush pen from Kuretake and black ink Pentel Brushpen.

Day 17: “Ornament

Black and grey drawing of the ornament at the front of a vintage car which is a stylish Native American head.

Inspiration took ages to come for this prompt. I settled on a bonnet ornament shaped like a Native American’s head. I used a grey ink brush pen from Kuretake and black ink Pentel Brushpen.

Day 18: “Misfit”

Black and grey ink drawing of an animal that has the body of a lion and the head of an elephant. The grey brushpen and black brushpen I used are visible next to the open artbook.

A strange creature that doesn’t fit in the savanna, with the body of a lion and the head oh an elephant. I used a grey ink brush pen from Kuretake and black ink Pentel Brushpen.

Day 19: “Sling”

White ink drawing on black ink showing hands holding a sling around the Earth

A piece inspired by how our generation behaves like it’s tossing our planet. I filled the space with black ink and then outlined the hands, sling and Earth with a white jellyroll pen.

Day 20: “Tread”

Lots of black and a bit of grey ink to draw a couple of large gears levitating in space, in one of which ten people walk by following each other and all look down at the luminous screens in their palms.

I absolutely loved doing this piece! The prompt made me think of a treadmill but I didn’t want to draw that —not political enough. Instead I started to envision humans numbingly powering gears in space. I used a grey ink brush pen from Kuretake and black ink Pentel Brushpen, and a Posca white pen for the stars.