One week left

One week left and then I travel back to France. Living in Boston is fun. I drank more caramel macchiatos and cafe’ mochas than I hoped I would, I didn’t have any pretzel and I didn’t post as many photos to flickr as I had hoped I would. I had very good clam chowders and got to try the Stata Center ping pong table just 2 days ago.

I really had a *wonderful* time, and I wish I can return soon.

When I think there is just one week left, I feel like diving on the bed, burying my face in a pillow, and pretend that this truth does not exist. This reference is from the movie “The Science of Sleep”. The main character breaks into his neighbour’s apartment and she shows up so unexpectedly that he just dives on her bed, hides his face in her pillow and asks her to pretend she doesn’t see him.

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