Visiting scholar

Because of:

  • “starbucks coffee caramel macchiato”
  • “the ping-pong table at the Stata”
  • “Ralph’s pretzel jar”
  • “clam chowder”

I am moving to Boston. Mmm… caramel macchiato, pretzels 🙂

I’ll visit for 3 months and I’m leaving tomorrow evening. I’ll be a visiting scholar at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. In effect, nothing will change but my physical location.

This will be so much fun! I’m really looking forward to it.

then ignore the .css!

[This post originally appeared in Dullicious, where I blogged as Barbie-dull for several years.]

I’ve been having strange dreams lately; here’s the latest.

I was a foreign student in the US and the teacher had given us an essay to write as an assignment.

He was unhappy with mine.

teacher: Your assignment deserves nothing but a bad mark, Miss. It’s text I wanted, not decoration.
me: Then use the .html and ignore the .css!