Cropped detail showing part of the hull, the speech bubble, mooring rope and fish.

Reproduction from the ‘Daytripper’ graphic novel

Here are a few pictures I took while making a 30×18 cm watercolor after one image from the graphic novel “Daytripper” by Fábio Moon & Gabriel Bá:
Pencil sketch: three hulls and moorings seen from below, rough silhouettes of two people in one of the boats and the placeholder for a speech bubble underneath, a few fish of various sizes on the side
Wet blue wash all over the paper and blue droplets formed over the masking fluid which I applied over the speech bubble, the fish, the moorings and one of the hulls.
Several layers of blue wash to render the light underwater
Peeling off the masking gum. Unfortunately paper was peeled off as well.
Brown hulls of rowing boats still wet, fish coloured in shades of yellow, mooring ropes painted yellow and brown. The smaller of the boats and its mooring is painted dark blue.
Details in the foreground rope done in black ink as well as details on the hulls and silhouettes of the people painted black. Speech bubble outlined in black.
Detailing the fish using a Pentel black ink brushpen which is visible next to the sheet.
Final result with text in speech bubble: 'if you travel too fast, all you're gonna see is a blur and you'll never really meet anyone interesting.'
The watercolour is now cut and framed
Photo of the framed painting on my desk between the palette and the computer displaying the reference picture.

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