A bar chart showing stacks of colour of various sizes for each day between September 7-22, many of which exceed a normal work day total, including some hours during the weekends

When the job gets physical

I have a rather sedentary job which involves computer work, a lot of typing, listening, thinking, talking, storing a lot of information to be able to throw it up at the right time, in the right form, or to connect the right people or the right dots, etc. I no longer travel very much and don’t get to meet people a lot to conduct my work. I do not have any RSI hurting my wrists to prevent me from typing, and I love my job and care enough that I happily spend hours at my keyboard. I have a lot of stamina.

But the other day, I had been at my desk for several hours reading feedback and input on Social Media on some very controversial work that W3C recently completed, when it hit me: shaky hands, heart beating a little too fast steadily, and the dizziness. That slight tingle in the back of my throat and nose, the faint metallic taste and smell. It lasted a few seconds. I didn’t faint, but I know the signs.

I carried on with my day but later thought that my job had gotten physical.

2 thoughts on “When the job gets physical”

  1. Jesus (Quintana) be my witness that this attitude toward work doesn’t come from the person who hired you at W3C almost 20 years ago!

    1. That dude, I recall when I interviewed, was reclined in an armchair, in a teleconference, with his feet propped on his desk! Good times.

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